The Ultimate Outdoor Billboard Boot Camp By Frank Rolfe
Are you tired of chasing the mythical 12% return in the stock market? Or maybe you’re frustrated with sinking your money into real estate that doesn’t bring the returns they did a decade ago. And I sincerely hope you’re not letting your hard-earned dollars fester in a bank account that’s not paying even a full percent interest.
But there’s hope…
Seasoned Investor is letting the rabbit out of the hat and showing you how to
bring high returns without high up-front capital
investment or draining daily management…
Owning your own billboards offers you the opportunity to create income literally from thin air (and you don’t need any fancy equipment, degrees, or expertise to get started.)…
No matter where the advertising and marketing world goes, billboards are a mainstay in today’s society. Whether you’re driving down a rural road, on the way to a hot vacation destination, or headed down your local highway, there will be billboards.
Someone owns that space. And someone gets paid handsomely for letting businesses use that space to attract their customers.
Why shouldn’t that someone be you?
But before I talk about the billboard business, I’d like to ask you a simple but frank question:
Is your money working for you, or are you working for money?
Let me explain.
If you’ve got capital sitting in a bank account accruing around a 1% interest…your money isn’t working for you.
If you’re risking your hard-earned dollars in the stock market for a measly payout (and some hard losses along the way)… your money isn’t working for you.
If you’re flipping houses, buying businesses, investing in cryptocurrency, or any of the other million things out there but still not seeing a return on your time and money… then your money isn’t working for you and it’s time to look for something new.
You’ve worked hard for the money you have, and it’s time to put it to WORK. That means finding a way to grow your money to support the lifestyle YOU choose… without high risk, high initial investment, or even a lot of labor.
Or, you could stick with all the other options out there and spend endless time, money, and opportunity while your money just sits and never grows.
Which sounds more appealing? (I know which one I’d choose.)
Luckily, there IS a business that allows you to make your money work for you and grow.
Building your own billboard business requires very little start-up capital, a bit of legwork, and then you just sit back and relax while you get paid regularly.
Plus, it’s simple to get started:
You can find new billboard locations, and obtain ground leases and permits for them. You can then sell the ground lease and permit to other billboard companies (there are normally about two or three huge, public companies in every city) at phenomenal prices.
On the low end, you can get $5,000 to $15,000. On the high end, on a very desirable location, you can get $100,000 or more.
That’s right, you can buy a house from the proceeds of selling one un-built billboard location. And that’s not some boast from a cheesy late-night “get rich quick scheme” infomercial.
It makes sense for large companies to obtain their locations in this manner, and they are happy to pay big bucks for them.
Billboards return about 20% on your investment, which is significantly more than double what you’re going to earn from the stock market… and without all the labor-intensive work in traditional flipping.
The beauty of the billboard business is the complete lack of massive capital investment.
Even if you spend an entire week working full-time to search for a billboard location… you’re still out just a bit of time and a little gas money. And that’s only if you don’t find the right one.
Doesn’t that sound a lot better than waiting for your money to slowly grow in a bank somewhere?
And now, for the first time ever, I’m pulling back the curtain on how exactly to build your own billboard business from A to Z.
For the first time, you can access all the information I have in my brand-new Ultimate Billboard Investment Boot Camp.
This Boot Camp encompasses literally days worth of information that will show you step-by-step-by-step what to do to build your own billboard business.
First, you’ll get The Ultimate Outdoor Billboard Boot Camp Manual. This manual, a whopping 309 pages in length, will show you exactly how to find, secure and profit from billboard locations in your town.

I’ll show you:
- How to check the laws in your area so you start off on the right foot…
- Where to find the right locations for a new billboard (to capitalize on your investments)…
- How to work with the owner to come to a profitable agreement that leaves everyone happy…
- How you can invest in existing billboards without finding a new location…
- The considerations you’ll need to take to stay on the good side of everyone involved (this is crucial for a successful business!)…
- How to determine the actual economics of your new business from your income to expenses (and how you can calculate your profit easily!)….
- All the financing nitty-gritty to help you save your cash and make other people’s money work for you…
- How to sell the advertising to bring in the income that will support the life you want to lead…
- How to make your customers so happy they’ll be clamoring to buy MORE space from you…
- And much, much more.
This manual has a value of over $997.00 on its own and is by far the definitive guide to creating your own billboard business from scratch… but it’s only ONE of the components of my Ultimate Billboard Investment Boot Camp.
You’ll also get The Complete Billboard Boot Camp Audio Series - a whopping TEN hours of audio covering:

- Getting Started
- Initial Housekeeping
- 10 Steps to Rent any Sign
- Mental Preparation
- How to Find a Billboard Location
- How to Buy a Billboard
- How to Build a Billboard
- How to Operate a Billboard
- How to Rent Ad Space on a Billboard
- How to Sell a Billboard
These audios will go in-depth on each topic so you can learn how to build your business on-the-go- in the car, during your workouts, or even while you’re sitting on a beach drinking a fru-fru cocktail.
Alone, these audios are worth $497.00… but they’re included as part of The Ultimate Billboard Investment Boot Camp.
Next, I’m also going to give you 15 full-length videos that will show you how to build your billboard business from scratch. This information is the same information that I provided in my in-person Boot Camps… but now you can access it without travel, time away from your family, sleepign in a lumpy hotel bed, or sitting in a freezing cold conference room frantically taking notes so you don’t miss anything.
You’ll be able to attend this Boot Camp from the comfort of your own home - and you can pause, rewind, and rewatch as many times as you’d like to make sure you don’t miss a single bit of information.
In this 15-video series, you’ll discover:

- History of the industry
- History of the Highway Beautification Act and federal and state laws on billboards
- How to choose a territory and determine what order to attack it in
- How to select a company name and logo
- How to analyze the state ordinance
- How to analyze the city ordinances
- How to find legal locations using a zoning map and basic measuring tricks
- How to determine what ground rent to offer
- How to approach the land owner
- How to negotiate a ground lease
- How to figure out where to place the billboard on the property
- How to determine what size to build the billboard
- How to determine the exact height to build the billboard
- How to determine what type of sign structure to build (wood vs. steel)
- How to build a billboard
- How to rent the advertising space on a billboard
- How to keep advertisers happy and maintain a high rate of renewal
- How to negotiate and sign up an advertiser for a billboard
- How to make fantastic billboard ads
- How to print the ad on vinyl
- How to maintain a billboard
- How to manage a billboard company
- Plus a special section on how to buy a billboard and how to bring an abandoned billboard back to life.
(Literally everything you need to know to run your own billboard business!)
This system will hand you the short cut that you need to get started… the short cut I wish I had in 1982 when I started my own billboard business.
Before I tell you what else is included with the Ultimate Billboard Business Boot Camp, I’d like to tell you why I’m the right person to be teaching you how to run this business.

My name is Frank Rolfe, and in 1982 I graduated from Stanford University with a degree in Economics.
Now, there’s not a whole lot you can do with that, so I was going to go on to business school and get an MBA. And in order to get into business school, I was going to start a business to write about my experience on my application. I decided to start a billboard business.
After the first year, I had three billboards, but I had a bunch more pending, so I decided to go one more year and try to get to an even ten. By the end of the second year I was already over ten and heading for twenty, so I delayed applying for business school for one more year. You can guess what happened. I never went to business school, and I just kept building billboards.
Not having any actual experience when I started, I had literally no idea what I was doing. But fortunately, I had some mentors along the way, particularly some guys at Foster and Kleiser (then the largest billboard company in the U.S.) who just couldn’t stand watching all the mistakes I was making. And I mostly learned through trial and error.
Back then, the competition in the industry was fierce, with over 60 billboard companies alone in Dallas (today there are less than ten). So I had to use my wits and creativity to beat the competition. Little did I know that those tricks and shortcuts would lead me to jump ahead of everyone. 14 years later, I was the largest private owner of billboards in Dallas/Ft. Worth, and sold out to Universal (now Clear Channel) for $5.8 million.
What did I learn from that experience? Certainly, I learned that there’s big money in billboards.
But I also learned that there are two ways to approach every task: the smart way and the dumb way. The smart way gives you the advantage, is highly efficient, and puts the odds in your favor.
The dumb way wastes a lot of time and rarely wins. By developing “smart” ways to approach the business, I was able to do some amazing things that nobody had done before, such as maintain an 80% rate of renewal, and a 100% occupancy rate for a decade straight.
The Ultimate Billboard Investment Boot Camp includes all of the “smart” theories I developed, as well as the reasoning behind them and how they work in real life.
(They must be “smart” as they turned a bunch of wood and metal into $5.8 million!)
Simply put: there is no other product on the market that will teach you
how to create your own billboard business from scratch
like The Ultimate Billboard Investment Boot Camp.
Now, the resources that I’ve already told you about:
- The 309-page The Ultimate Outdoor Billboard Boot Camp Manual (Value $997.00)
- The Complete Billboard Boot Camp Audio Series - 10 hours of audio teaching (Value $497.00)
- The 15-Video Boot Camp Experience Series (Value $797.00)
Are more than enough to get you started the right way. But I’m not going to stop there.
I’m going to literally hand you exactly what you need to run the business from Day 1 with my 3 Fast-Builder Bonuses:
Fast-Builder Bonus #1:
Look Over My Shoulder Manual

My EXACT contracts, permit applications, owner letters, and billboard setups that made me millions.
I would have killed for a resource like this when I was starting out - someone who’d gone before me successfully to open their filing cabinets and show me what needed to be done.
So I’m doing the same for you.
I’ve put together a 157-page Look Over My Shoulder Manual that will show you everything like:
- The exact Sign Ordinances I worked under (Section 1)
- The surveys and plats I used in my business (Section 3-5)
- My leases (Section 8 & 23)
- Dig into the Expenses
- My actual permit application to the City of Dallas (Section 17-22)
- PLUS you’ll see nearly a hundred (or more!) pictures of my actual billboard locations (this is invaluable when it comes time for you to start scouting your locations… the ideas you’ll generate from these pictures are worth the entire investment alone!)
If I was selling this bonus as a stand-alone product (which I would never do), I’d sell it for no less than $500.00 - but it’s yours FREE when you invest in the Ultimate Billboard Investment Boot Camp.
PLUS, my next bonus will make building your new business even easier…
Fast-Builder Bonus #2:
Fill-In-The-Blanks Resource Library
Every form, sample, and swipe that’s in the Look Over My Shoulder manual is in editable format for you to use in your own business. Simply fill in the blanks, make sure the company information is correct… and you’re ready to go!
You’ll get:
- The Owner Sign Proposal
- Initial Letter To Landowner
- Sign Location Lease
- Additions Or Deletions To The Lease
- Assignment Of Ground Leases
- The Bill Of Sale
- The Billboard Ordinance Worksheet
- Billboard Rental Advertisement
- My Contract For Outdoor Bulletin Advertising
- Lease, Permit, And Sign Sale Agreement
- Propration Worksheet
- Sign Premise Warranty
- And The Sign Location Lease And How To Decide What To Put In It
I couldn’t make it any easier for you to get started than this. You will
literally have everything you need to get started TODAY.
Again, if I was going to sell this as a standalone resource (which I wouldn’t), I’d charge no less than $500.00. These documents are just too valuable to let it go for any less than that.
Now, My Fast-Builder Bonus #3 will help you CONTINUALLY run your business and grow beyond where you could get on your own.
Fast-Builder Bonus #3
Ongoing Access To Monthly Coaching Calls
PLUS Access To The Archive
Every month, I meet with my students to teach on new strategies, field questions and concerns, and help them grow their businesses using my methods.
These calls are invaluable for keeping up with regulations and simply having someone mentor you through the process of building your business.
And when you invest in The Ultimate Billboard Investment Boot Camp… you’ll have lifetime, ongoing access to these calls every single month.
These calls contain PRICELESS information that you simply cannot get anywhere else. No forum, Facebook group, or Google search will unearth the information that’s in these coaching calls.
And you’ll have instant access to all of them when you invest today.
The monthly fee for these coaching calls is $97.00 (or $1,164.00 per year)… but your ongoing access is included with The Ultimate Billboard Investment Boot Camp.
That means the total value of The Ultimate Billboard Investment Boot Camp is OVER $4,455.00.
But, I told you earlier in this letter that starting a billboard business can be done without a large capital investment.
So I’m not going to charge you $3,291.00 for this information. I’m not even going to charge you HALF that. Not remotely close.
The total retail investment for the Ultimate Billboard Investment Boot Camp is just $1097.
And if you were reading this letter at any other time, that would be your total investment to discover how this business can literally change your life (it changed mine)!
But right now, I’m slashing a full $500.00 off the price.
Your total investment TODAY is just $597.
All you have to do is click the big orange button below fill out your information and you will have INSTANT ACCESS to all the materials I mentioned above:
- The 309-page The Ultimate Outdoor Billboard Boot Camp Manual (Value $997.00)
- The Complete Billboard Boot Camp Audio Series - 10 hours of audio teaching (Value $497.00)
- The 15-Video Boot Camp Experience Series (Value $797.00)
- The Look Over My Shoulder Manual (Value $500.00)
- Fill-In-The-Blanks Resource Library (Value $500.00)
- Ongoing Monthly Coaching (Value $1,164 per year)
- Coaching Call Archive Library (Value PRICELESS)
PLUS you’ll get hard copies of all of these materials delivered right to your front door. The manuals, the CDs, and the DVDs will be delivered right to your lap. And the Resource Library and Coaching Call Archive Library can be easily found right online.
And right now, I am going to let you break the purchase into 3 monthly payments at no extra charge to you!
If you don’t believe that this is simply the easiest way for you to build a business that makes your money work for you… just see what some of my students have to say….
"I started looking for billboards about a year ago, before I ever heard of your book. Your books showed me that I was going in the wrong direction. Now I am following what your book said, and i just signed my first lease"
"I wish you had more books, because I'd buy them all. They're a bargain"
"I turned the Billboard Boot Camp into over 200 billboards in Canada. Of those who have ever profited from this course, I must be #1"
"The Billboard Boot Camp changed my life. I now own 12 billboards and have a significant enough income stream to retire on - and I did it all in two years. Thanks Frank for making this possible"
"I just signed my first billboard lease, thanks to your book. I followed your directions and now i have my first billboard. It worded just like you said in your book."
And if that’s not enough… I’m removing 100%
of the risk with my 100% Iron-Clad Guarantee:
I’m removing 100% of the risk and you’re getting 100% of the reward.
What do you have to lose?
All you have to do is click the big orange button below and you will have INSTANT ACCESS to all the materials I mentioned above:
- The 309-page The Ultimate Outdoor Billboard Boot Camp Manual (Value $997.00)
- The Complete Billboard Boot Camp Audio Series - 10 hours of audio teaching (Value $497.00)
- The 15-Video Boot Camp Experience Series (Value $797.00)
- The Look Over My Shoulder Manual (Value $500.00)
- Fill-In-The-Blanks Resource Library (Value $500.00)
- Ongoing Monthly Coaching (Value $1,164 per year)
- Coaching Call Archive Library (Value PRICELESS)
I know there are a lot of options out there for you. I know that you could choose any one of a million ways to invest your money.
But don’t you want to make a choice that has a high rate of return? Don’t you want to put your money to good use so you can enjoy the life you’ve spent so long working to create?
Billboards aren’t going anywhere. As long as there are roads - there will be advertising next to them.
Why shouldn’t you get a piece of that pie?
Dedicated to your success,
Frank Rolfe
P.S. Remember, you’ll get all of these materials delivered right to your front door. The hard-copy manuals, the CDs, and the DVDs will be delivered right to your lap. And the Resource Library and Coaching Call Archive Library can be easily found right online.
You’ll be building your business from the comfort of your very own home in no time!
P.P.S. We don't plan to leave this offer up forever. So if you don’t want to miss out on the chance to create a business that has your money working FOR you (instead of wasting away in some bank account or flying into the stock-market abyss)…
Then you simply cannot afford to wait.
Click the button below now!